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Welcome To Our World


Samantha Bates  

"Not far from any given city, there lies a nature trail begging to be walked. Nowhere is this more true than in the Pacific Northwest where if you take that trail, it undoubtedly will lead you to overwhelming beauty and an inner peace you didn't even know you were missing. Suddenly, you'll know why nature is called Mother as she wraps you in her arms and welcomes you home. If through the lens we can capture just a small glimpse of all that nature offers and share it with you, then perhaps it will lift your spirit and soothe your soul, encouraging you to take your own journeys."



Samantha & Roger Bates


 "To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles." 

~Mary Davis


"Throughout my life, I’ve had a passion for hiking and spending time in nature. Over the past thirty years, the Pacific Northwest has been my home, providing the opportunity to explore one of the most captivating places in the world. From snow capped mountains to rugged ocean coastlines and millions of acres of wilderness, the Pacific Northwest is truly an amazing place. Through these images, we hope to share with you that beauty as well as our love for the wonderment that is Mother Nature." 


 R E Bates  

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